Friday, December 28, 2012


By: Aaron Snowell
(Trainer Of Champions)

BOXING business angel investors can take several different forms. Your angel might be a family member or friend with deep pockets, or they may be a complete stranger with loads of cash who is interested in investing in start-up companies or boxer. Some boxing business angels are people who have made their money in boxing and want to pass along their good fortune AND their expertise. Other are simply people with money to spend who like the idea of getting involved in boxing. Angels will help with start-up cash, but your proposed business needs to be of a certain size to make it worth their time.

When you're looking for investors in your boxing business, it's important to remember that in exchange for the cash, you'll be giving up a chunk of your business, some of your autonomy, or both. Make sure you carefully consider the real cost of the investment - not only what you will have to pay back, but what you will be sacrificing when you work with an investor - and make sure you are clear on these points in advance. Some things to consider include:


·         Does your investor want to be involved in making business decisions? If so, do they have experience in the boxing industry or another creative industry (and if yes, do you share a similar philosophy in terms of the business)? Working with an investor with tons of boxing  industry experience who wants to help you shape and build your business can be a great thing. Working with an investor who simply has a lot of money and wants to invest in your boxing related business because they think it would be kind of fun might not be such a great thing if they want some say-so in your business decisions. (Note that not all investors will want to become involved in your business. Some just want to make an investment and wait for the payoff.)

·         Make sure you understand if you are getting an investment or a loan. Investments bring risk for the investor, and so they understand they may lose their money. A loan needs to be paid back.

·         If your investor is pressuring you to sign over a large share of your business, be cautious. If large amounts of money and large shares are involved, get legal advice.

Another thing to remember when you're seeking investment is that the hardest kind of business to find funding for is a very small one. Generally speaking, investors don't want to talk to you unless you need at least several hundreds of thousands in investment. Boxing business angels will invest in smaller companies than that, but typically they're looking for investment opportunities at least in the tens of thousands range. Raising a few thousand dollars is the hardest thing to do. In the absence of a promoter, manager or generous family/friends, you may need to consider savings, personal loans and credit cards if you need a relatively small amount of money to get going.

Also, be aware that boxing investment is usually given to businesses like  promotion companies, management companies etc. Bands looking for investment will have a difficult time going through one of these routes and will need to look to boxing shows, title fights and so on for their needs.
Winning is the best investment.

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